Alex Semprini

Deputy Director, Complementary and Alternative Medicine Lead, Pharmacy Lead, Education Co-Lead

Adjunct Professor Alex Semprini

BSc (Hons), MBBS, MInstD, PhD

Alex Semprini joined the MRINZ in 2015 as a Clinical Research Fellow to undertake his PhD, which investigated a unique kānuka honey-based treatment for herpes simplex labialis (cold sores) whilst developing the capacity to undertake randomised controlled interventional trials in community pharmacies. This led to Alex’s current roles as the Complementary and Alternative Medicine programme lead, founder and lead of the MRINZ-helmed Australasian Pharmacy Research Network (PRN), and head of the clinical and translational research database REDCap, across all MRINZ research teams.

Receiving his BSc in biomedical science and Medical Degree from St Georges Hospital Medical School London, and his PhD from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, Alex’s research interests are focused on community-based interventional trials, use of clinical informatics within novel methodologies, and supporting the Aotearoa New Zealand biotechnology sector to enhance the evidence base for over-the-counter therapeutics. Alex is an Adjunct Professor, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, and Adjunct Fellow, Western Sydney University.

Alex manages the MRINZ undergraduate teaching programme, in partnership with Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington and University of Otago—Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, highlighting and promoting opportunities and career pathways in the clinical research sector both here in Aotearoa New Zealand, and internationally. In addition to his research and teaching roles, Alex liaises and collaborates with commercial, academic, tangata whenua, and government entities in support of MRINZ endeavours.

  • Adjunct Professor, Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Adjunct Fellow, Western Sydney University; NZ representative European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network’s Clinical Research Initiative for Global Health; Secretary, New Zealand Association of Clinical Research; Medical Cannabinoid Research Collaborative; Independent Research Association of New Zealand

  • Asthma; Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Infectious Disease; Data and Quality; Education, Māori and Pacific People’s Health; Clinical Management.